We started the day with a quick stop at our local Starbucks, then headed to Washington Square to wait for our shuttle.
We found a nice gentleman to take a few pictures of our team.
Our team consisted of my best friend Misty, my mom Sandy..
..My son Brady and my cousin Amy..
We lost my mom's mother to breast cancer over 6 years ago. This was my mom's first year participating in the race and I'm excited to have her on my team.
This was Brady's second year racing with me. He did a wonderful job and managed to find a sucker to carry him so his legs could have a little rest..
My beautiful mother..
I can't say how special it was to have my mom at my side this year. The girls came up the night before the race and we toasted to our team and my grandmother. Then, we stayed up way too late sharing memories of our beloved Nadine.
Team Nadine at the finish line!
Brady 2010
Brady 2009